It is the action of human being that determines the worth of any material, materials having potential for gain full utilization, remain in the category of waste till its potential understood and put it to right use.
Fly ash is one of such example which has been treated as a waste material in India till a decade back and now emerged not only as a resource material but also as an environment savior.
Use of fly ash in manufacture of cement, part substitution of cement in concrete/ mortar,
Manufacture of bricks etc., at current annual levels, saves generation of CO2 by 25 million tons,
Good quality lime by 35 million tons and coal by 15 million tons a year.
Conserves 5000 acres of land per year which might be used as the dumping yard of the fly ash generated if not reused.
With the boon in population and industrial growth, the need for power has increase to a great extent. Nearly 73% of India’s total installed power generation capacity is thermal and of which 90% is coal based generation, rest of this use diesel, wind, gas, steam etc.
Thermal power generation through coal combustion produce minute particle of ash that causes serious environment problems. Commonly known as fly ash, these particles consist of silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), iron oxide (Fe2O3), calcium and magnesium and toxic heavy metal like lead, arsenic, cobalt and copper.
There are about 135 coal based thermal power stations in India are producing about 112 million tones fly ash per year. (I.e.112000000000 kg, eleven thousand twelve hundred crors kg per year).
With the increase in power demand more and more power plants are expected to commissioned or increase their capacity, in near future. As per estimation it is expected that the fly ash generation will be increase about 225 million tons by 2017.
Disposal of fly ash
Fly ash has been considered as a “polluting industrial waste” till about a decade back and was being disposed of in ash pond occupying a large area. At present about 100000 acres of land buried under the ash pond. But from recent past fly ash is considered as a resource material and has also proven its worth over a period of time
With the combined efforts of all stake holder agencies over a period of last 10 years, utilization of flyash has been picked-up from a meager 1 million tonne per year in 1994 to about 45 million tonne peryear in 2005. Enormous benefits are being accrued by the society by using fly ash in variousapplications. Estimates given in the previous section are indicative of the present situation only, thetotal potential of fly ash utilization and the savings to the society would be manifold.
With the fly ash helping to preserve the environment through all its utilizations and the huge potentiality has for the society and country, it can rightly be termed as an environment savior. So let us pledgethat fly ash, which is a resource, should be utilized to maximum possible extent in all walks of our life.
It is the action of human being that determines the worth of any material, materials having potential for gain full utilization, remain in the category of waste till its potential understood and put it to right use.
Fly ash is one of such example which has been treated as a waste material in India till a decade back and now emerged not only as a resource material but also as an environment savior.
Use of fly ash in manufacture of cement, part substitution of cement in concrete/ mortar,
Manufacture of bricks etc., at current annual levels, saves generation of CO2 by 25 million tons,
Good quality lime by 35 million tons and coal by 15 million tons a year.
Conserves 5000 acres of land per year which might be used as the dumping yard of the fly ash generated if not reused.
With the boon in population and industrial growth, the need for power has increase to a great extent. Nearly 73% of India’s total installed power generation capacity is thermal and of which 90% is coal based generation, rest of this use diesel, wind, gas, steam etc.
Thermal power generation through coal combustion produce minute particle of ash that causes serious environment problems. Commonly known as fly ash, these particles consist of silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), iron oxide (Fe2O3), calcium and magnesium and toxic heavy metal like lead, arsenic, cobalt and copper.
There are about 135 coal based thermal power stations in India are producing about 112 million tones fly ash per year. (I.e.112000000000 kg, eleven thousand twelve hundred crors kg per year).
With the increase in power demand more and more power plants are expected to commissioned or increase their capacity, in near future. As per estimation it is expected that the fly ash generation will be increase about 225 million tons by 2017.
Disposal of fly ash
Fly ash has been considered as a “polluting industrial waste” till about a decade back and was being disposed of in ash pond occupying a large area. At present about 100000 acres of land buried under the ash pond. But from recent past fly ash is considered as a resource material and has also proven its worth over a period of time
With the combined efforts of all stake holder agencies over a period of last 10 years, utilization of flyash has been picked-up from a meager 1 million tonne per year in 1994 to about 45 million tonne peryear in 2005. Enormous benefits are being accrued by the society by using fly ash in variousapplications. Estimates given in the previous section are indicative of the present situation only, thetotal potential of fly ash utilization and the savings to the society would be manifold.
With the fly ash helping to preserve the environment through all its utilizations and the huge potentiality has for the society and country, it can rightly be termed as an environment savior. So let us pledgethat fly ash, which is a resource, should be utilized to maximum possible extent in all walks of our life.
Reviewed by Mnz
9:31 AM

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