In many people’s mind air pollution is associated with contamination of urban air from automobiles exhaust and industrial influents. But every year the indoor air pollution is responsible for the death of 1.6million people, that is a death in every 20 second .Exposure is high among women and children who spend most of their time near the domestic hearth.
The severity of indoor air pollution is aggravated by the fact that the more than half world’s house wife cook their food on unprocessed solid fuels, buildings are built more air tightly to save money spent on heating and cooling .At the same time people are using more and more irritating products such as hair spray, other cleaning detergents pesticides and other which are harmful to health.
Indoor air pollution is the presence of one or more contaminants indoors that
carry a certain degree of human health risk. Indoor air issues may be traced to the beginning of civilization. Prehistoric records note the problem of smoke in caves. However, over the last three decades the public has become more aware of indoor air pollution. Various studies show that people spend 65 to 90 percent of their time indoors; 65 percent of that time is spent at home. Field studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be two to five times, and on occasion more than one hundred times, higher than outdoor levels.
Indoor air pollution is the presence of one or more contaminants indoors that carry a certain degree of human health risk. Indoor air issues may be traced to the beginning of civilization. Prehistoric records note the problem of smoke in caves. However, over the last three decades the public has become more aware of indoor air pollution. Various studies show that people spend 65 to 90 percent of their time indoors; 65 percent of that time is spent at home. Field studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be two to five times, and on occasion more than one hundred times, higher than outdoor levels.
It is a invisible, radioactive atomic gas that result from radioactive decay of radium, which may be found in the formation beneath buildings .It will tend to accumulate at the floor level. These deposits in the lung of the occupants either directly or by attaching to air born particles, which are then inhaled. To dilute the way that they occur from nature decay, ventilation is provided.
5 Legionella
It is a water born bacterium that grow best in slow moving or silt water. The primary route of exposure is aero solation, most commonly from evaporative cooling or showerhead. It is mostly found in commercial building is from poorly placed or maintained evaporative cooling tower , which often release aerosolized water that may enter nearby ventilation intake .Outbreak in medical facilities and nursing homes where patients are immuno-suppressed . The reason is legionella .Prevention measures include adjusting normal hot water level to allow far for 120 degree at the tap, evaluating facility design lay out, removing affect aerators and periodic testing in suspect area.
Indoor air pollution has been associated with a wide range of health outcomes, and the evidence for these associations has been classified as strong, moderate or tentative in a recent systematic review. Included in the above assessment were only those health outcomes for which the evidence for indoor air pollution as a cause was classified as strong. There is consistent evidence that exposure to indoor air pollution increases the risk of pneumonia among children under five years, and chronic respiratory disease and lung cancer (in relation to coal use) among adults over 30 years old. The evidence for a link with lung cancer from exposure to biomass smoke, and for a link with asthma, cataracts and tuberculosis was considered moderate. On the basis of the limited available studies, there is tentative evidence for an association between indoor air pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes, in particular low birth weight, or is chaemic heart disease and nasopharyngeal and laryngeal cancers
1 Public Awareness
The first and the most important step in the prevention of illnesses resulting from biomass fuels is to educate the public, administrators and politicians to ensure their commitment and promoting awareness of the long-term health effects on the part of users. This may lead to people finding ways of minimizing exposure through better kitchen management and infant protection. Change in Pattern of Fuel Use The choice of fuel is mainly a matter of availability, affordability and habit. The gobar gas plant which uses biomass mainly dung has been successfully demonstrated to produce economically viable quantities of cooking gas and manure. Recently, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced a program called the Deepam Scheme to subsidize the cylinder deposit fee for women from households with incomes below the poverty line to facilitate the switch from biomass to LPG. Such schemes will encourage the rural poor to use cleaner fuels. The use of solar energy for cooking is also recommended.
Finally, there is enough evidence to accept that indoor air pollution in India is responsible for a high degree of morbidity and mortality warranting immediate steps for intervention. The first and the most important step in the prevention of illnesses resulting from the use of biomass fuels is to educate the public, administrator sand politicians to ensure their commitment for the improvement of public health. There is utmost requirement to collect better and systematic information about actual exposure levels experienced by households in different districts and climatic zones and develop a model for predicting the exposure levels based on fuel use and other household data therein (exposure atlas) to protect the health of children, women and elderly persons.
As most of us spend large part of our life indoor, indoor air pollution is the major problem to solve and as, such all our effects should be taken into minimize and finally eliminate the deleterious effects of indoor air pollution
In many people’s mind air pollution is associated with contamination of urban air from automobiles exhaust and industrial influents. But every year the indoor air pollution is responsible for the death of 1.6million people, that is a death in every 20 second .Exposure is high among women and children who spend most of their time near the domestic hearth.
The severity of indoor air pollution is aggravated by the fact that the more than half world’s house wife cook their food on unprocessed solid fuels, buildings are built more air tightly to save money spent on heating and cooling .At the same time people are using more and more irritating products such as hair spray, other cleaning detergents pesticides and other which are harmful to health.
Indoor air pollution is the presence of one or more contaminants indoors that
carry a certain degree of human health risk. Indoor air issues may be traced to the beginning of civilization. Prehistoric records note the problem of smoke in caves. However, over the last three decades the public has become more aware of indoor air pollution. Various studies show that people spend 65 to 90 percent of their time indoors; 65 percent of that time is spent at home. Field studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be two to five times, and on occasion more than one hundred times, higher than outdoor levels.
Indoor air pollution is the presence of one or more contaminants indoors that carry a certain degree of human health risk. Indoor air issues may be traced to the beginning of civilization. Prehistoric records note the problem of smoke in caves. However, over the last three decades the public has become more aware of indoor air pollution. Various studies show that people spend 65 to 90 percent of their time indoors; 65 percent of that time is spent at home. Field studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be two to five times, and on occasion more than one hundred times, higher than outdoor levels.
It is a invisible, radioactive atomic gas that result from radioactive decay of radium, which may be found in the formation beneath buildings .It will tend to accumulate at the floor level. These deposits in the lung of the occupants either directly or by attaching to air born particles, which are then inhaled. To dilute the way that they occur from nature decay, ventilation is provided.
5 Legionella
It is a water born bacterium that grow best in slow moving or silt water. The primary route of exposure is aero solation, most commonly from evaporative cooling or showerhead. It is mostly found in commercial building is from poorly placed or maintained evaporative cooling tower , which often release aerosolized water that may enter nearby ventilation intake .Outbreak in medical facilities and nursing homes where patients are immuno-suppressed . The reason is legionella .Prevention measures include adjusting normal hot water level to allow far for 120 degree at the tap, evaluating facility design lay out, removing affect aerators and periodic testing in suspect area.
Indoor air pollution has been associated with a wide range of health outcomes, and the evidence for these associations has been classified as strong, moderate or tentative in a recent systematic review. Included in the above assessment were only those health outcomes for which the evidence for indoor air pollution as a cause was classified as strong. There is consistent evidence that exposure to indoor air pollution increases the risk of pneumonia among children under five years, and chronic respiratory disease and lung cancer (in relation to coal use) among adults over 30 years old. The evidence for a link with lung cancer from exposure to biomass smoke, and for a link with asthma, cataracts and tuberculosis was considered moderate. On the basis of the limited available studies, there is tentative evidence for an association between indoor air pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes, in particular low birth weight, or is chaemic heart disease and nasopharyngeal and laryngeal cancers
1 Public Awareness
The first and the most important step in the prevention of illnesses resulting from biomass fuels is to educate the public, administrators and politicians to ensure their commitment and promoting awareness of the long-term health effects on the part of users. This may lead to people finding ways of minimizing exposure through better kitchen management and infant protection. Change in Pattern of Fuel Use The choice of fuel is mainly a matter of availability, affordability and habit. The gobar gas plant which uses biomass mainly dung has been successfully demonstrated to produce economically viable quantities of cooking gas and manure. Recently, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced a program called the Deepam Scheme to subsidize the cylinder deposit fee for women from households with incomes below the poverty line to facilitate the switch from biomass to LPG. Such schemes will encourage the rural poor to use cleaner fuels. The use of solar energy for cooking is also recommended.
Finally, there is enough evidence to accept that indoor air pollution in India is responsible for a high degree of morbidity and mortality warranting immediate steps for intervention. The first and the most important step in the prevention of illnesses resulting from the use of biomass fuels is to educate the public, administrator sand politicians to ensure their commitment for the improvement of public health. There is utmost requirement to collect better and systematic information about actual exposure levels experienced by households in different districts and climatic zones and develop a model for predicting the exposure levels based on fuel use and other household data therein (exposure atlas) to protect the health of children, women and elderly persons.
As most of us spend large part of our life indoor, indoor air pollution is the major problem to solve and as, such all our effects should be taken into minimize and finally eliminate the deleterious effects of indoor air pollution
Reviewed by Mnz
8:18 AM

When poor Indoor air quality testing is allowed to exist for a long period of time then this can also create a dangerous amount of stress on building occupants.