Translucent concrete is produced out of fine-grain con-crete and translucent fabric which is layer cast in pre-fabricated moulds. Because of relatively small amount
of fabric, solidity and consistency of transparent con-crete are the same as by the high-strength concretes.Almost loss-free light penetration through optic fibres
makes it possible to see light, shadows and even colours through concrete even by very thick walls. It can be produced as prefabricated building blocks and panels. Due to the small size of the fibres, they blend into concrete becoming a component of the material like small pieces of aggregate. In this manner, the result is not only two materials – glass in concrete– mixed, but a third, new material, which is homogeneous in its inner structure and on its main surfaces as well. The glass fibres
lead light by points between the two sides of the blocks. Because of their parallel position, the light-information on the brighter side of such a wall appears unchanged on the darker side. The most interesting form of this phenomenon is probably the sharp display of shadows on the opposing side of the wall. Moreover, the colour
of the light also remains the same.
Illuminate Your Walls
Galaxy Translucent Concrete can be used as building material for interior and exterior walls. If sunshine illuminates the wall structure, then eastern or western placement is recommended; the rays of the rising or setting sun will hit the optical glass fibers in a lower angle and the intensity of the light will be bigger.
Besides the traditional applications of a wall, the light transmitting concrete can also be used as wall covering illuminated from the back.
Watch Your Pavement Shine at Sunset
This product can be used as flooring – a passable surface illuminated from below. During the day it looks like typical concrete pavement but at sunset the paving blocks begin to shine and in different colors.
Get Creative with Design
The building units are versatile and can be used in many areas of design. Two successful designs using the light transmitting concrete were a jewel and a concrete bench. You can also create a logo with
colorful figures, inscriptions, and pictures.
Reviewed by Mnz
10:34 AM

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