The aim of this project is to design a BOMB DETECTION ROBOT for detecting the explosive material.
There is need for concealed weapons and explosive detection systems in uncontrolled environments have increased in recent years. Traditional metal detector inspection systems are limited to control environments such as security check points and cannot detect plastic explosives. Civilian and military security personnel need technologies capable of detection of concealed weapons and explosives at remote distances for enhanced safety reasons.
In this project we concentrate on the detection of weapons (metals) and hence bombs using appropriate sensors and there will be an indication from the microcontroller whenever there is a detection of weapons (metal)/Bomb, hence approximate precautions can be taken when bomb is detected.
This project is very much useful in every public places like bus-stands, parks, auditoriums etc., this project is also very much helpful to the police department in order to prevent bomb explore and prevent anti social activities in the society.
In this project mainly when ever robot senses any metal in surroundings, Robot automatically stops there and announces the case by switching the buzzer. Robot consists of two motors, which control the side pair wheels of each and help in moving forward and backward direction.
v Microcontroller: Used to control the operation of the whole circuit.
v DC motors: dc motor used for the direction control.
v Driver: L293D IC is used to drive the motors to open and close the door.
v Proximity sensor: It is able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact.
v Buzzer: used for indication purpose.
v Power Supply: Used to give 5V power supply to the microcontroller board and 12v to H-bridge and motors.
v Kielmicrovision3: Used to write the Embedded C program.
v Express SCH: Used to design a circuit diagram.
v µC Flash: Used to dump the software into microcontroller.
Reviewed by Mnz
7:19 AM

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