Mobile wireless industry has started its technology creation, revolution and evolution since early1970s. In the past few decades, mobile wireless industry have experience 4 or 5 generations of technology revolution and evolution, namely from 0G to 4G.
The cellular concept was introduced in 5G Technology stands for 5th Generation Mobile technology. 5G technology has changed the means to use cell phones within very high bandwidth.User never experienced ever before such a high value technology. Nowadays mobile users have much awareness of the cell phone (mobile) technology.The 5G technologies include all type of advanced features which makes 5G technology most powerful and in huge demand in near future.
The Evolution of “G from 1st to 5th Generation
1G Generation: : The first generation of mobile phones was analog systems that emerged in the early 1970 to 1984s.
Data bandwidth -2kbps
Standards –Amps
Technology –analog cellular technology
Service - Mobile telephony
Multiplexing- FDMA
Switching –PSTN
2G Generation:
The second generation of digital mobile phones appeared in 1990s along with the first digital mobile networks .
During the second generation, the mobile telecommunications industry experienced exponential growth in terms of both subscribers and value-added services.
Traditional phone networks are used mainly for voice transmission and are essentially circuit-switched networks
Data bandwidth-14.4 -64kbps
Standards –TDMA ,CDMA .GSM
Technology –Digital cellular technology
Service – digital voice ,short messaging
Multiplexing- TDMA,CDMA
Switching –2g circuits
Core network - PSTN
2.5G networks, such as General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), are an extension of 2G networks
they use circuit switching for voice and packet switching for data transmission resulting in its popularity since packet switching utilizes bandwidth much more efficiently.
Data bandwidth -144kbps
Standards –Amps
Technology –analog cellular technology
Service - Mobile telephony
Multiplexing- FDMA
Switching –PSTN
3G Generation:
In the3G, Wide Brand Wireless Network is used with which the clarity increases and gives the perfection.
3G networks were proposed to eliminate many problems faced by 2G and 2.5G networks, especially the low speeds and incompatible technologies such as TDMA ,CDMA in different countries.
Data bandwidth -2 mbps
Standards –WCDMA.CDMA -2000
Technology –broad bandwidth ,IP address
Service –Integrated high quality audio , video and data
Multiplexing- CDMA
Switching –Packet except circuit for air interface
Core network –packet network
4G Generation:
A successor of 2G and 3G, 4G promises a downloading speed of 100Mbps.
we can send Data much faster than that of the previous generations.
Start -2000/2010
Data bandwidth -2 mbps to 1 Gbps for low mobility
Standards –single unified standard
Technology –unified IP and seamless combination of LAN /WAN/PAN and WLAN
Service –Dynamic information access wearable device
Multiplexing- CDMA
Switching – all packet
Handoff-Horizontal or vertical
5G Technology
5G mobile technology has changed the means to use cell phones within very cell phones within very high bandwidth. User never experienced ever before such a high value technology.
Now a days mobile users have much awareness of the cell phone (mobile) technology. The 5G technologies include all type of advanced features which makes 5G mobile technology most powerful and in huge demand in near future.
Data bandwidth - 1Gbps and higher
Standards –single unified standard
Technology –unified IP and seamless combination of WAN\LAN\PAN\WLAN
Service – dynamic information access
Multiplexing- CDMA
Switching –all packet
Core network-internet
What 5G Technology offers:
5G technology is going to be a new mobile revolution in mobile market. Through 5G technology now we can use worldwide cellular phones .
With the coming out of cell phone alike to PDA now your whole office in your finger tips or in your phone.
5G technology has extraordinary data capabilities and has ability to tie together unrestricted call volumes and infinite data broadcast within latest mobile operating system.
It can handle best technologies and offer priceless handset to their customers.
5G Technologies have an extraordinary capability to support Software and Consultancy.
The Router and switch technology used in 5G network providing high connectivity.
The 5G technology distributes internet access to nodes within the building .
5G will promote concept of Super Core, where all the network operators will be connected one single core and have one single infrastructure, regardless of their access technologies.
There are some other projects, which are undertaken ay 5G technologies. Here we want to mention that 3G mobiles are working these days, and 4G technologies are coming, but in future we are ready to face 5G technologies and some of its features we have presented in this paper.
Reviewed by Mnz
2:53 AM

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